Public Participation at Parish Council Meetings

Members of the public are welcome to attend Parish Council meetings. There is always a point near the beginning of the meeting for Public Participation. Members of the public can raise matters of concern or make points about items on the agenda for the Parish Council to consider.  Items that are not on the agenda, but which require a decision (particularly with financial implications), may be postponed to the next meeting for proper consideration.  The Parish Council Standing Orders have provision for the Chairman of the meeting to invited members of the public, county or district councillors to speak at other times during the meeting if this is deemed appropriate.

If you wish to bring something to the attention of the Parish Council please do contact the Clerk. You may also wish to speak to a Parish Councillor, but please note that individual councillors are not able to make decisions on behalf of the Council. Any matters that require a decision should be agreed by the full Parish Council.

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